Monday, April 23, 2012

Microcosmic Worlds Within Worlds at Indians (A Short Story)

I can’t even begin to describe it.  For a friend's birthday myself, the birthday girl and another dear friend headed out to Indians to spend 3 night and days camping at The Indians, an area of sacred Esselen Indian land that now belongs to the Forest Service and still holds the power and magic of its history.  One day we went hiking and with the help of some good medicine to connect to the land, although we didn't need it we began with an intention setting ceremony, took our medicine and set off to explore, connect, heal and surrender to the land and its medicine.

The first medicine we came upon was an open field with caves carved out into a rock wall.  There were grinding holes everywhere carved into the topside of huge rock formations that had been lifted up to form terraces.  It seems as though there was a village that lived below, protected by the rock wall.  It felt like the men would stand above and survey the land to protect the town below.  It felt as though I was remembering this.  Down below there seemed to be a major kitchen where the women would make food as they looked over the land from ground level, although there were grinding stones along the top terrace as well.  We hiked through many mystical rock formations, manzanitas groves, and through so many different beautiful colors of mosses and lichens.  No human designer could ever dreamt this place up, this was Mother Nature's design and it was phenomenal.  We each had our roles, all magical, all powerful and all lending to each others own magic, it was truly a magical day.

I kept collecting bits of trees I fell in love with along the way and ended up with a bouquet of black & white sage, a dead manzanitas branch, and a dead baby manzanitas tree with a magically spiral trunk.  Yes, I carried a miniature tree around all day.  My blanket kept getting caught on the trees as they would beckon me to play a little while longer.  We came to a grotto that was fantastic.  Each time I take a piece of nature with me there is an honoring and respect that occurs.  I assess whether I would be hurting the species if I take pieces, and having a Biology degree in Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation Biology helps me to know this.  I ask permission from the plant and let it know my intentions.

Mosses of so many beautiful colors were covered in dew from it raining the night before and seemed to have infinite depth.  They looked and felt as though they were alive.  I could feel mother earth through these moss beings and felt like petting them as though they were pets.  I felt strongly pulled to one in particular & held onto it, closed my eyes, let myself go and was severely grounded down & through the moss, the rock and all up into the atmosphere and our surroundings.  It felt as though me and the universe we breathing through each other, like one giant lung.  I felt as though I had hung out at this grotto thousands of times before.

We kept hiking and scaling up and down rocks, but with a sense of familiarity.  We came across a giant crevice that resembled an earth yoni, a yoni is a representation of the cosmic vagina.  We sat atop rocks and surveyed the land with this same familiarity.  I felt as though I was with my people and were were doing what we were meant to do forever in time.  It was a coming home.  The sky felt like a snow globe twisting grey clouds across a white backdropped sky.

At the end, we came across a tree that had fallen.  The bark was like white velvet skin wrapped around the trunk of the tree.  The tree was shaped like a "Y," and over the heart of the tree was a huge knot with a branch coming out the center that had been broken off.  We all felt, and it was said aloud, that we had been summoned to come to this tree and so we all took our places, one on each branch coming out from the heart, all converging around the heart.  My two friends were having their own experience due to the tree's powerful energy, and I had my own personal experience.  I felt as though I was sitting in a compass looking across the sky, in the four directions, and seeing the reflection of my truth in each direction.  Then we connected our bouquets from the day to the knot and went into almost a trance like state.  We had all been called to that spot as strong medicine people to heal and connect with the Mother, and we did our job.  The experience felt as though pure white, healing energy was being channeled through me, us, the tree, the Earth and the Universe, all as One.  After we let go of the bouquet, there was a spider friend that took up residence on my manzanitas tree, we enjoyed its presence.  We removed the bouquets and began to focus on the knot.  There was seeing a little microcosmic world within the knot of the tree.  It was like a little city.  All moving parts like tinker toys, frills popping in and out.  Dr. Suess & Alice in Wonderland in the present.  You could make it go and stop whenever you liked, just by choosing to focus on it or not.  A true lesson on how powerful your thoughts are. 

After the tree, we landed in a grove of trees really close to our campsite.  The branches of the trees formed another giant yoni which, when I chose to focus on it, felt as though I was in another dimension.  Everything pixelated into fractals of energy overlaying the objects themselves.  I began to see a green and blue geometric face opening, closing, breathing, and pulsing like a kaleidoscope.  It felt like the presence of Kali, the Mother of Darkness.  Kali is the Goddess I connect to the most as she helps me to constantly and bravely face my unconsciousness and make it conscious, turning darkness into light.  She is a powerful ally.  As I stared into her face I proclaimed to her that there is no need to be afraid of any thing because its all the same, there is no good or bad, no up or down, no inside or outside, no dark or light, no yin or yang.  There is these aspects, these dualities in all we experience, but there is both in everything.  So, the second you name it you are wrong.  These dualities are fluid in nature, they are neither, they are both, they are One and the same.  This is the Tao that cannot be named.

As we came back to camp, and fed nourished and nurtured ourselves, with food, fluids, fire, and faith the gratitude for so much medicine began to flow through me.  So much stale energy that was held up inside me had been broken up and was ready to come out, and got stuck in my second chakra.  I began to massage, and twist it out, and eventually was able to let it go physically.  What a day, what magical medicine I got to experience at, and through Indians, home <3

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