Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Dream...

Of attracting an abundance of opportunities to share my gifts with the world 
Of attracting a great love and the opportunity to practice having a conscious, spiritual, fulfilling, unconditional love relationship
Of creating a sustainable life for myself in the vortex, and using that power to blast my gifts out into the Universe, and attract abundance in order to fuel the feedback loop between my energy and that of the Universe
Of letting go of my Ego and dropping into my true Self, the Self that is always connected to source, never separate, never needing anything that is not already there
Of having a clear path in which to manifest my dreams
Of never being afraid of anything, everything is always exactly as it should be
Of having the insight to see, comprehend, and integrate that which is beyond the physical, the formless and infinite source of which I am a part of
Of creating compassion in the world by leading others towards God-Self Realization
Of being a part of a shaman circle and an equal leader within the tribe.

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